Saturday, September 8, 2007

script scratch

Yuri walks in to her first day of class. She looks around to find her a seat. She finds oune neard the door then looks around at her brand new classmates.
Yuri : (talking to herself) hmmm.....soooo borring >_< (puts her head down to try and get some sleep before her class starts)
Class : (girls saw a handsome guy walk in) Wha! Who's dat? He's a hottie?
The boy walks and sat beside Yuri. The teacher walks in to start the class.
Teahcer: Goodmorning class. I'ts been a while. Hmmmm....let me see....I see some familiar faces. This class is a fun class.... Yuri .... Yuri! You cannot sleep in my class this year!
Yuri : (wakes suddenly) what?! (looks next to her) Hiro!!
HIro : (smirks) hey
Teacher: now that Yuri is awake....let's start and introduce ourselves.... Yuri let's start with you...since everyone knows you already
Yuri : sure~......I'm Yuri Tachibana....half japanese/half chines...... 19 years old...uhhhhmmmm....that's it ^_^
Hiro : .......Hiro Yamamoto...I'm from tokyo....I'm 22....

Bell rings for class to end. Hiro packs his bag while Yuri sat and waited for him.
Yuri : how come your'e taking this class....I thought you were going to major in music?
Hiro : I'm going to major in litterature
Yuri : litterature?! since when
Hiro : (walks out and Yuri follows him) going?
Yuri : (looks a bit confused) going.......aaaah!!! you mean my little sister's 18th birthday? ...yeah I kinda hafto. Are you going? Don't leave me all by myself Hiro!! Please >_< come!!
Hiro : ........mmmhmmm
Yuri : aaaahHH!!!! did I tell you..... we hafto bring dates?
Hiro : ...yeah
Yuri : you going to bring?
Hiro : (answers the phone) oh!....nani?!
Yuri : who was dat?
Hiro : sorry.... I can't make it to your sister's.... my mom is in the hospital in San Francisco... I need to go there next week and stay for a week
Yuri : what?!..... eh?~......ugh!!!.........okay.... I guess...

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