Friday, September 14, 2007

Ren Sy

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Name: Ren Sy
Chinese Name: Sy Xiang Ren
Nickname: Rhayne
DOB: Feb 5
Birthplace: Okinawa, Japan
Raised: USA
Height: 5'1
Weight: 110
Bloodtype: B
Personality: conservative, quiet, shy, easily amused, nice, smart
Family: mom,dad,older sister, younger brother (all of them doesn't show), Related with Tachibana
Fav color: blue, violet, green
Food: sushi
Hobbies: cooking, art, and music
Character: cousin of Yuri and her family
Love partner: Ji-hyun Park
Major: photography
Mosed use phrase: Oro?~

Ren was born in Okinawa. Her father is Chinese and her mom is Japanese (the cousin of Yuri's dad). the middle child of 3, she didn't have much attention from her parents. When she was 12, she decided to live with Yuri's family and moved to USA where she stayed for 8 years. She had a bad relationship from a guy she loved for 2 years. She moved back to Tokyo, thinking that she can start over and try to forget about him. She meets a nice gentleman, never knowing he was the half-brother of her favorite singer and unconciously falls in love with him. She didn't know that Ji-hyun had been in love with her too.

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