Monday, October 15, 2007

Synopsis ep 2

Chapter 2
Yuri: (fell down) ouch!
Ji-won: (fell down) eeeta!
-They both looked at each other. Yuri looked at him in a surprise way while Ji-won kept rubbing his butt.
Ji-won: YAH! Watch where your'e going!
Yuri: (erased her surprise look to her mad look) what?! it's you who supposed to watch where your'e going!
Ji-won: (standing up and wiping some dirt on his blazer) for a girl, you sure know your words
Yuri: (stands up) eh? huh! baka!
Ji-won: (turns around) jeez!
Yuri: (turns around) who the hell does he think he is?!.....matchi! Ren! (starts looking for her)
-Yuri went to look for the guys and got reunited with them.
Kei: (with stars in his eyes) SISTER! DOKO NI~? (looks left and right)
Taka: AH! Yuri!
Kei: DOKO~?
Yuri: yo!
Kei: (opens his arms to embrace her) SISTER! (Yuri socked him) OUCH~
Toma: (goes close to Yuri's face with a serious look) ...Yuri...
Yuri: (surprised) nnn....nande?...(Toma pokes her arm)EEETA!!!!! HEY! (hits Toma in the forehead) WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?
Toma: (rubbing his forehead) your arm just looked swollen..
Yuri: my arm?
Toma: oh
Taka: hey it does!
Jun: what happened?
Yuri: ...ah! I just bumped into a guy..
Kei: (on rage) who beat up my sister? who?!
Taka: (grabbs Kei's shirt) calm down. Not beat up, its bumped.
Hiro: Daijoubu?
Kei: you guys are going to my sister's birthday, right?
Toma: who?
Kei: Sakura's 18th birthday.
Yuri: she's having a formal party and its kind of an early graduation part as well
Taka: KAWAII~! >_<
Toma: is there food?
Kei: nah...theres only water....durr there's food
Toma: I'm in!
Taka: IM IN!
Hiro: me too
Kei: Jun?
Jun: ..oh
Yuri: asa!...oh! matchi!..You guys can bring dates
Taka: DATES? can I bring Sakura?
Kei: no!
Jun: do we have to?
Yuri: not really...but you can (looks at Hiro)
Toma: (looks at Yuri) ....dates...

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